Starcana Intuitive Life Guidance

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Shaken to Awaken Your World | Astrology Horoscope

It's a busy and powerful astrological week. Have you felt the newness of excitement... the inner resistance... and possibly, a new perspective to embrace a better change with your own pair of wings?

And as a reserved Taurus Moon begins our week on Monday May 14, we may just decide to quietly do what we've been doing - while silently tuning-in to our own personal and professional needs.

The suspicious believe everybody to be suspicious; the liar feels secure in the thought that he is not so foolish as to believe that there is such a phenomenon as a strictly truthful person; the envious see envy in every soul; the miser thinks everybody is eager to get his money;...and the abandoned sensualist looks upon the saint as a hypocrite. James Allen

Taurus New Moon. In noticing the inner richness that we've maintained (or have yearned for), our determination under the Taurus New Moon on Tuesday May 15 can increase our hunger to hold on to what we already have. These vibrations from constant yearnings, personal wishes and hopeful fantasies will be our seeds of intentions, to be planted into the universe.

As the New Moon encourages new beginnings, fresh start-ups and a different approach to what we've been involved in... our wishful fantasies can benefit greatly through deep appreciation for what we have, and our own effort to nurture and preserve it.

I feel the capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest significance. Pablo Casals

Uranus enters Taurus. As we dream about what we hope to have to hold onto, Uranus (change, chaos, truth) will exit from Aries (after seven years), to enter stabilizing Taurus. This is a pretty big deal folks, as the next seven years can be quite changing, unsettled and evolving in areas of our core values, money, possessions, relationships, homes, finances, pleasure, science, astrology, metaphysics, technology, our connections, nature, mother earth and world issues. Uranus tends to electrify, causing much static and disruption - with an intention to shake, quake and break to wake and reform where we've been comfy, secure and stable. 

To understand where this affects you individually, look to your astrological natal chart - at the house that is ruled by Taurus. This is where Uranus will be transiting, to alert us with its great alarm of light and actuality. Uranus intends to wake us to a new level of truth, bringing a new frequency into our reality (Saturn) and our dreams (Neptune). And in the event of becoming aware and conscious of our present moment, we can have a greater opportunity (Jupiter) to grow through purge and transformation (Pluto). Are you ready to evolve?

Chaos often breeds life, when order breeds habit. Henry Brooks Adams

Mars enters Aquarius. While direction can continue to unexpectedly flip-flop and cause us some confusion, Mars (energy) will exit from industrious Capricorn and move into unconventional Aquarius on Wednesday May 16. Rather than build bridges to connect, we'll strive for a higher road that allows for originality and individual freedom. And as we pave a path of liberation,  we can become energized through spontaneity, surprising thrills, and unpredictability. We could experience unexpected winds and anxieties, causing our roots and structures to be tugged and lifted. Priorities are bound to shift, along with direction again... especially with an adaptable Gemini Moon and a highly-reactive Mars/Uranus square on Wednesday May 16.

Venus enters Cancer. We may begin to find some calm in this week's storm under the practical Mercury/Saturn trine on Friday May 18. As we embrace a new reality, Venus will exit from restless Gemini, and move into nurturing Cancer on Saturday May 19. During the next four weeks, we'll settle into a gentle place where we can be motherly, sharing, and protective of who/what matters most. Shortly after Venus enters Cancer, we should be able to experience the affectionate winds that caress our relationships with a calming Venus/Uranus sextile.

Sun enters Gemini. As we adjust to the fluctuating energy this week, we'll be led toward communications, social networking and new interests as Sun exits from earthy Taurus and into adaptable Gemini. It's a friendly time to be open and available, to participate with life and others again. Starcana weekly tarot: It's always interesting (at least for me) when the same exact cards are pulled again, bringing attention to what may have been overlooked last week: Empowered by our own resources. [FourWands/TenWands]. Peace... Suzi xx  And wishing my fabulous husband Joe, a happy anniversary with so much love and gratitude.

Professional& personalized intuitive readings, grounded advice and soulful guidance are available through phone and email sessions. Contact Suzi Dronzek@ 724-832-9283 ©1995-2018 Starcana, Inc., All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+