Growth through Strengthening / Sun enters Taurus

Hi there! While I’ve continued to stay busy working with clients through phone readings and email readings - I took some time away from my blog. As I begin to get back to my writings, the powerful Sun (identity, ego) will move from warrior Aries on April 19 and settle into stabilizing Taurus during the next four weeks… while we’re still vibing with the Solar Eclipse energy and Mercury retrograde. So where we’ve been actively busy with doing and transforming; we’re getting prepared to let things settle and manifest, to maintain a fresh reality.

Our positive efforts can develop and bloom into attraction, practicality, affection, value, patience, fertile ground, natural consistency, growth, beauty, earthy healing, trust and wisdom. The shadow side of this heavy cycle can brood stubbornness, materialism, shallowness, possessiveness, self-gratification, sluggishness and boredom. How do you intend to get the most from what you’re currently holding onto?

Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants. Epictetus

We have a beautifying Mercury/Venus conjunction, a reckless Mars/Jupiter sextile, an impulsive Mars/Uranus sextile on Friday April 19… with an opportunistic Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on Saturday April 20 - which can provide an unexpected major shift forward; with a breakdown under the powerful Sun/Pluto square on Sunday April 21. Have you found yourself preparing for a leap of faith?

Weekly tarot message: Observe what holds an abundance for wellbeing and prosperity. [QueenPentacles/Priestess]. Check out this month’s April Tarotscope! Much love. ~Suzi

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For a professional consultation with an intuitive reading, grounded advice and soulful guidance with personalized insight, psychic intuition, tarot, astrology & spirituality; contact Suzi Dronzek. Hours: 10a-6p EST, Mon-Fri. 724-832-9283 | ©2024 Starcana, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Only 18+  

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April Tarotscope, Tarot Horoscope