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November 2020 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope

November 2020 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope | Starcana Cosmic Dirt, Tarot Astrology Horoscope

November 2020 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope

Starcana Tarotscope is a monthly ‘one tarot card’ horoscope. I share basic guidance with a general tarot message - per each individual zodiac sun sign. For more insight, try my ‘three card’ tarot spread below. If you prefer something more personalized and detailed, I’m available for ‘one-on-one’ consultations.

  • Read your Ascendant/Rising sign, for what you currently know.
  • Read your Moon sign, for what will challenge you.
  • Read your Sun sign, for what will be created.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) Tarot card insight: Page of Swords: New thoughts. Fresh approach. Looking for a way. Brave choice. Different view. Logic. Reason. Vigilance. Cleverness. Curiosity. Insight. Keen vision. Eyes and ears wide open. Aware. Communicating thoughts. A know-it-all. Command. Heroic. Skilled. Almost ready. Looking into a secret. Uninterested in applause. Naive. Making a point. Keeping a careful watch. Waiting for a problem. Attitude. Seeing through illusions. Asking questions. Tricky. Ready for challenges. Conflict. Stay objective. Waiting to be tested. Alert. Details. Study. Taking a stand. Honesty. Clever. Witty. Magnification. The truth shall set you free.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Tarot card insight: Page of Cups: Flexible emotions. Flip-flopping. Gentleness of the heart returns. Serenity received. Calm is offered. Attempting to find a way in. Helping hand. Smiling. Carefully relaxing. Forgiveness. Unstable emotions. Moving past blocks. A friend arrives. What happened doesn't matter. Flowing forward. What you see, isn't what you get. Only the moment matters, not yesterday of the future. Foggy. If it' sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Positive blend. Fantasy. Sweetens with sugar. Display of kindness. Reflection. Charmed. Unreal. The heart speaks. Generosity. Giving of ourselves. Reaching out. Someone from the past returns. Listen well. Optical illusion.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Tarot card insight: Hierophant: Quiet the mind. Silence. Compassion. Tradition. Return to belief system. Great teacher. Return to heritage. Public speaking. Creating believers. What has worked in the past wins over chaotic change. Maturity. Stuck in the mud. Seeking advice from clergy or those in our circle. Fighting ends. War is over. Admirers yearn for knowledge and truth. Kindness. Wise one shares wisdom. Understanding purpose. Historical Importance. Old ways return. Conformity. Coming home. Own it. Knowledge speaks. Makes sense. Acceptance. Forgiveness. Conversing with our conscience. Holding status. Knowing thy self. Understanding rules. Buying time. Guru. The wise one. Self-sacrificing. Belonging again. Appreciation and respect. Mercy. Grace.

CANCER (June 20-July 23) Tarot card insight: Three of Cups: Express yourself. Healing energy. Harmony. Good fortune. Artistic expression. Support. Creativity. Connected to others. Love experiences. Friendly compromise. Happiness. Approval from a social circle. Singing a song. Coming to a full circle. Relief. Happy ending. Fortunate results. Spirit dances. A female coven. Trust is developed. A bond is created. Rituals. Prayers. Overcoming obstacles. Celebration. Blood is thicker than water. An invitation arrives. Joy. Fulfillment. Old souls unite. Sweet talk. Friendship deepens. Stagnation ends. Spiritual abundance. Networking. An open-mind flows. Enjoy the ride.

LEO (July 23-August 22) Tarot card insight: Moon: Darkness draws us in. Caution. Not everything is as it seems. Something lurks in the shadows. Deceit possible. High imagination. Blinded by truth. Trust your gut. Stay true. Practice healthy boundaries. Sit back. Feel. Pay attention. Adjust your vision. Illusion. Intuition. What you see, is not what you get. Trust your inner knowing. Fascination. Disorientation. Confusion. Self-deceit. Overwhelming fear rises. Journal your dreams. Pay attention to the signs. Creative pursuits. Reach for the unseen. Losing touch with reality. Answers are not so obvious. Spend time listening. Blinded by the light.

VIRGO (August 22-September 23) Tarot card insight: Wheel of Fortune: As above, so below. Freedom. Cosmic flow. Good luck. Movement. Door opens as we close one. Change. The Sun rises. The end. Transformation. Taking the foot off the break. Solutions. Destiny. Opportunity arrives. Problem disappears. Connected with the season. Unexpected occurrences. Aware. Turn the page. In the present. End of a cycle. For better or worse, issues evolve. Closure. It was bound to happen. What goes up, must come down. Luck changes.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22)  Tarot card insight:  The Star: Hope arrives. Faith revived. Times become friendlier. It's all downhill now. Socializing. Inspiration. Volunteering. A new friend. Finding a reason. Shine. Assistance. Inner guidance. Crystal clear. Believing in life. A new perspective. Clear vision. No resistance. Earth Angel. The universe opens. Spiritual Love. Belonging. Twinkling eyes. Invitations. Help is near. Paying it forward. Brainstorming. Trusting insight. Optimism. Inhaling fresh air. Signs appear. Balance. A new day begins. Renewal. Wish upon a star. Pursuit of happiness.

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Tarot card insight: Eight of Pentacles: Apprenticeship. Learning to grow. Appreciating what has great value. Modest gain. Priceless wisdom. Focused on the goal. Investing in a rewarding future. Saving for a rainy day. Overcoming obstacles. Rewards. Climbing the ladder. Patience turns profitable. Income improves. Commitment. Surprising growth. Making friends with time. Standing at the top of the mountain. Developing self-respect. Skills of a survivor. Financial changes. You blossom. Creating perfection. Nothing stop you.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) Tarot card insight: Two of Swords: Peacemaking choices. Silence is golden. Aware of brewing storm. Inner peace. Withdrawing from issues. It's nothing personal, just business. Making the best of a situation. Harmony. Power of the mind. Foresee flaws. Stalemate. Kind acts. Decency. Relaxed attitude. Wearing a poker face. Courteous manners. Bite the tongue on personal views. Remain polite. Opinion-less. Remain tactful to maintain decent relations. Holding onto distance. Healthy boundaries. Head and heart balance. A handshake.    

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)  Tarot card insight: Six of Swords: Experiencing peaceful negotiations. Moving past difficulties by reaching a new understanding. Grateful for this new sense of calm and understanding. A fresh direction. All is crystal clear. Conscious, aware, and careful approach. A brand new perspective. Thoughts shift. Traveling over gentle waters. Walking gently over eggshells. Information and truth is received that allows flow. Caution using words of expression. Friendliness and good communications. Possible journey. Change in course. Troubles left behind. Positive thoughts.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Tarot card insight: King of Swords: Great analyzation. Authoritative thinking. Direction is controlled. You are, what you think. Massive weight in knowledge. Brilliancy. An excellent advisor. The power of the mind. Communications flow. Problem Solving. Negotiation. Positive thoughts. Just. Powerful speech. Standing for something important. Mental process. Strong will. Professional advice. Choose words wisely. Powerful advice. Clear perception. Intellectual behavior. Courageous decision.

PISCES (February 19-March 20) Tarot card insight: Six of Cups: Embracing finer memories. Nostalgia. Happier times. Reliance on the past. Understanding how to enjoy the present. Reflections. Letting time pass. Enjoyment. Daydreams. Allowing yourself to be happy. Smiles. Laughter. Fun times. Longing for the way it use to be. Gentleness returns. Remembering what matters. Love conquers all. Overflowing with joy. Good friends. Moving past issues. Yesteryears speak loudly. Trusting insight. Imagine to believe. Creativity. Understanding what fades. The heart longs for togetherness. Healing music. Photographic memory. Childhood comes to surface. Emotions flow. Aware of what matters.

For personalized insight, Suzi Dronzek is available for intuitive readings, down to earth advice and soulful guidance by phone and email. Business hours: Monday - Friday, 10a-6pm EST. Call 724-832-9283 or visit my website 18+ Entertainment Only.

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