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Seeking Inner Beauty

Seeking Inner Beauty | Starcana Tarot Astrology Horoscope

It’s a magical time to embrace the power of creativity and transformation with an expressive Mercury/Mars trine and initiative Sun/Mercury conjunction on Monday August 17. The fresh burst of confidence can encourage bold promises with brave new behavior; helping us to create new beginnings and fiery potential in areas of our work and personal development. What has remained negative, unproductive or probably lacking could finally turn into something beneficial - if we're willing to participate in the change.

To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart. Eleanor Roosevelt

It could feel like the cosmos are on our side as a courageous Leo New Moon gains strength and adds power into our shine and into our seeds of intention on Tuesday August 18. We're ready to burn off what is weak; encouraging inner abilities to grow our spirit. A mighty breakthrough for evolution is possible with a freeing Venus/Uranus sextile... that is, if we don't first sabotage our own success with the same old approach. Break uneventful patterns by becoming involved with much needed change.

We are our choices. Jean-Paul Sartre

Seeking Inner Beauty | Starcana Tarot Astrology Horoscope As we self-eject from our own comfortable seat - we immediately fire ourselves into the future. There will be opportunities to inspect where we land as Mercury moves from proud Leo, into analytical Virgo on Wednesday August 19, while Sun exits Leo to join Mercury in Leo on Saturday August 22. What we give our attention to - especially in regards to our personal/professional work - will greatly intensify with Sun and Mercury in Virgo during the next three to four weeks.

Focus will zone in on the tiniest/unseen details of recent choices and surroundings - in order to keep us well-informed, realistic, flawless and pure - with our direction. Don't make life too hard at this time... simply nurture what will reveal your shine.

Starcana weekly tarot insight: Temptation intends to mislead. [PageCupsRx/EmperorRx]. Peace, ~Suzi

Suzi Dronzek is available for intuitive readings, personalized advice & soulful guidance by phone and email. To book a professional session, call 724-832-9283 or visit: ©2020 Starcana, Inc. All rights reserved, 18+ Entertainment only.

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