Starcana Intuitive Life Guidance

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Cosmic Forecast May 23-29

As life dramatically shifts and transforms under the solar and lunar eclipses, we have an opportunity to rise back up again as Mars (energy) moves from subtle Pisces into fearless Aries on Tuesday May 24. With Mars in Aries during the next six weeks, We can watch broken bridges burn down to the ground, or we can get excited in creating an improved path to move forward again. We can get a head start with today’s optimistic Sun/Jupiter sextile and productive Mercury/Mars sextile on Monday May 23… while including the rewarding Venus/Saturn sextile on Tuesday May 24, a profitable Mercury/Pluto trine on Wednesday May 25 and the intensely deep Venus/Pluto square on Friday May 27. This energy is fierce, unstoppable and competitive. It’s time to busta move - if we want to chase our passion.

On the shadow side of this fiery vibration, we could be influenced by impatience, selfishness, bullying, road rage, violence and fires, as well as with migraines, pressured head and jaw pain. Rather than hold on to what can not be controlled, make a positive outlet.

Confronting our feelings and giving them appropriate expression always takes strength, not weakness. It takes strength to acknowledge our anger, and sometimes more strength yet to curb the aggressive urges anger may bring and to channel them into nonviolent outlets. It takes strength to face our sadness and to grieve and to let our grief and our anger flow in tears when they need to. It takes strength to talk about our feelings and to reach out for help and comfort when we need it. Fred Rogers

As an increase happens in our energy level, Venus will leave straightforward Aries on Saturday May 28, and enter the sensual realm of earthy Taurus. During the next four weeks with Venus in Taurus, we’re likely to relate with others in a peaceful manner with gentleness, affection and romance - rather than hurriedness. Applying an encouraging soft touch, we can help to stabilize our most truest values, relationships and money. From our own quiet nature, we may be able to review (Mercury) what we’ve actually been attracting. Understanding our own mishap; we can re-communicate what we meant to say — therefore, attracting something better —with the help of a brave and high-spirited Mars/Jupiter conjunction on Sunday May 29. Express yourself. And invest yourself in what (or who) matters most.

The shadow side of this energy could misguide us toward materialism, stubbornness and self-indulgence. If we’re hungry for a world (or a home) that consists of happiness, pleasure and harmony - then we need to create this structure for ourselves, first. Then as we have something real, strong and stable to hold onto… we can use this masterpiece to help attract, for a better return.

Sometimes to do the right thing, we must keep a promise we never made. Robert Breault

Weekly tarot message: Abandoning a piece of ourselves, to follow our heart. [TwoCups/FourSwords]. For more insight, check out your monthly tarot card in the May 2022 Tarotscope. Much love. ~Suzi

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Intuitive readings, earthy advice and soulful guidance - with tarot, astrology and spiritual insights - are available by phone and  email. Contact Suzi Dronzek at: 724-832-9283 | ©2022 Starcana, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Only 18+ 

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