Do or Die. Pluto Retrograde, Lunar Eclipse, Scorpio Full Moon. Weekly Astrology for May 1-7

As we move through the high intensity of an emotional roller coaster, built from the fierce spirit of a warrior Aries Solar Eclipse; we may actually do a bit of sidestepping and scramble ‘to and fro’ (Cancer Mars) - as we try to figure out (Mercury retrograde) how to move gracefully through life situations while maintaining strong boundaries from deceiving delusions (Pisces Saturn).

As we scurry through this tumultuous storm, we’re likely to stumble upon something that’s been hidden and buried from our vision for a very long time (Capricorn Pluto). So before we make any real tough choices in this ‘letting go’ process, we’ll probably sit and spend time with our pain, suffering and toxicities for the next few months as Aquarius Pluto stations retrograde on Monday May 1. 

Sometimes we can only find our true direction when we let the wind of change carry us. Mimi Novic

This cosmic pause gives us an opportunity to dive deep into our inner darkness, psychic sensitivities and subconscious. We may experience restlessness or inner chaos, with an obsessive need to empty, end and decompose. This release may be physical, but it could also be a change in patterns from a mental, emotional, materialistic and/or spiritual shift. And while it could get ugly and hurt, it can also be healing and rejuvenating.

On the other side of the dark energy, we could experience defiance, a struggle with a dark force, the seduction of black magick, the rise of our inner shadow - which may be felt from the depths of our soul. Yet whatever we encounter on this journey, we can gain a better understanding of the psyche; observing what’s just below the surface, that’s been embedded for a long time. 

Healing does not mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives. Akshay Dubey

In allowing this darkness to be acknowledged, the light we share will allow it to breathe and be transformed. Otherwise, it will have nowhere to go; keeping us in the dark and out of control. Utilize this internal journey to cleanse, cure and reshape for a new birthing.

The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; these cease to be mind. Friedrich Nietzsche

To help encourage us to do what is necessary for the peace of our soul; New Moon intentions will peak, while a secret is revealed… spawning a new truth with the extremely potent Lunar Eclipse/Scorpio Full Moon on Friday May 5. Full Moon tend to bring a time for release, finales, letting go, death and endings. With this ‘letting go’ cycle, we may be ready to make this ultimate sacrifice, in order to receive the intimacy, trust and security we’ve been craving.  To help see us through this bloody process, our sensitivities, psychic abilities, and inner magick will be our loyal guides. Magnetism, passion, understanding, self-reliance, cosmic love, shrewdness and intimacy score big points. The low vibe of this energy may be felt through obsession, jealousy, lack of forgiveness, revenge, manipulation, violence and/or self-destruction. Take care of whatever your personal/professional situation is, and vibe higher.

Weekly tarot message: Penetrate the foolish behavior. [HermitRx/Priestess]. For more insight, check out your monthly tarot card in the May 2023 Tarotscope, then subscribe to my weekly cosmic writings. Much love. ~Suzi

Suzi Dronzek is available for personalized consultations, with intuitive readings, down to earth advice and spiritual guidance by phone & email. Hours: 10a-6p EST, Mon-Fri. Call: 724-832-9283 | ©2023 Starcana, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Only 18+


Expansion from Consistency, Jupiter enters Taurus. Mercury Direct | Astrology for May 15-21


Tarotscope | May 2023