Tarotscope | February 2023

Starcana Tarotscope is a monthly ‘one tarot card’ horoscope. I share basic guidance with a general tarot message - per each individual zodiac / sun sign. For more insight, try my ‘three card’ tarot spread below. If you prefer something personalized and detailed, I’m available for intuitive tarot readings.

  • Read your Ascendant/Rising sign, for what you currently know.

  • Read your Moon sign, for what will challenge you.

  • Read your Sun sign, for what will be created.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) Tarot card insight: Five of Swords: The truth shall set you free. Survivor. Unfair means. New information comes around. Creativity outwits challenges. No pain, No gain. Winning, but at what cost. Change of plans. Direction is found. Who's cheating who? Double edge. Degradation. Seeing your reflection. All is a blessing. Interest in selfish gain. A trade. You are, who you hang with. Decision based on an assumption. Lowering the sword. Weakness. Temptation. Challenging ones willpower. Trickery. Loss of footing. Display of character. Insensitivity. New path created. Cheating. Test of ethics. Cross words. Judgment. Taking time out to think. Attempting a different approach. Creating balance.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Tarot card insight: Ten of Pentacles: Everything falls right into place. Money doesn't buy happiness. You are invited into the riches of the world. Understanding what really matters. Student turns into the teacher. Great success. Rewards of Hard work. Favorable investments. Empowered. Gain. Family heals. Goal achieved. Roots. Harmony. Growth. In-sync with the universe. Spiritual enrichment. Successful arrival. Inheritance. Positive changes. Wealth. Tradition. Prosperity. Financial or Material gift. Wisdom. Walk the walk. Blessings.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Tarot card insight: Knight of Cups: Creative challenge. Sensitivities are invited. Desires rise. New destination. Romance. Attraction. Kindness. An act of caring. Advancing forward. A new arrival. Love. Requests are made. Opportunity opens. Emotions begin to open. Meeting of the hearts. Propositions. Weakened by curiosity. Appeal. 

CANCER (June 20-July 23) Tarot card insight: Queen of Pentacles: Prosperity. Blessings. Common sense. Having a good head on your shoulders. Healthy. Common sense. Trust and self-respect. Supportive. Willing to gently bend. Well-being. Centered. In tune with nature. Luxury. Surrounded with nice things. Magnificence. Opportunity for growth. Building earnings. Ability to give and take. Generosity. Extreme comfort. Business smarts. Loving. Security. Reaching a good place. Mother nature. Work improves. Spiritual enrichment. Wisdom. Good decisions. Respect for life and others. Noble, honorable soul. Calm awareness. Corrections with love.

LEO (July 23-August 22) Tarot card insight: Two of Cups: Establishing a bond. Someone comes along and mirrors us. Agreements. Healing. On earth as it is in heaven. Matters of the Heart. Love. Partners in crime. Mi casa, es su casa. Celebration toast. Marriage between two strong forces. Romance. A new relationship. Marriage of the mind. Friendship. desire to have companionship. Two peas in a pod. Platonic friendships. Twosome. All's fair. A new individual strikes your fancy. Partnership. Equality reigns. Harmony. Love connection. Blending opposites. Reunion. moving toward each other. Cooperation. Mutual understanding. Heart and soul. Nurturing. Differences are resolved. Teamwork. Someone is by my side. The missing ingredient. Reconciliation. Sexual attraction. Creating magic either personally, or professionally. Balance. Working together. Forgiveness. Having something to fight for. Emotional balance. Peaceful union. Connecting the dots. Sharing the gold. Happily ever after.

VIRGO (August 22-September 23) Tarot card insight: Eight of Cups: Making an important sacrifice. Woe no more. Abandoning a current path. Taking a new turn. Understanding. Emotional disappointments left behind. Finding a place to belong. Regrets. Heart and head harmonize. Needing distance. Not caring anymore. What's love got to do with it? Connecting with a new passion. Choosing strength, not weakness. Turning away from it all. Letting go of the illusions. Self-love. Putting memories in a safe place. Movement.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22)  Tarot card insight: Ten of Wands: The tougher path. Sights on success. Stressed. Overloaded. Burdened. Holding the torch. A strong backbone. A long journey. Passion burns. Heavy weight feels good. Martyr complex. Doing it all. Righteousness. End of a cycle. Great strength. Burning the candle at both ends. proving strength. Great spirit. Overworked. The weight of the world on our shoulders. Daring. Challenging. The journey is almost finished. Nothing gets in the way. As all bets are against you, you pull through. Having something to prove. Fatigue. Nearing a deadline.

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Tarot card insight: Five of Wands: Hard work. Going in circles. Unsatisfied. Inner struggles. Labor. Aggression. Defenses are up. Polish that shine. Competition. Trying to find a way in, or possibly a way out. Fighting. Resisting change. Conflict. Lack of agreement. Life comes to a halt. Can't always get what you want. Unaware of goal. Self-limiting. Be creative. Busta move. Find a way. New adventure. What are you fighting for. Utilize energy correctly. Temper. Working up a sweat. Obstacles are no problem. Paving a new road. Ego on fire. Changing direction.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) Tarot card insight: Six of Cups: Embracing finer memories. Nostalgia. Happier times. Reliance on the past. Understanding how to enjoy the present. Reflections. Letting time pass. Enjoyment. Daydreams. Allowing yourself to be happy. Smiles. Laughter. Fun times. Longing for the way it use to be. Gentleness returns. Remembering what matters. Love conquers all. Overflowing with joy. Good friends. Moving past issues. Yesteryears speak loudly. Trusting insight. Imagine to believe. Creativity. Understanding what fades. The heart longs for togetherness. Healing music. Photographic memory. Childhood comes to surface. Emotions flow. Aware of what matters.   

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)  Tarot card insight: King of Pentacles: Great wisdom. Reliable. Savvy business skills. Being rich with spiritual and material gifts. Helpful individual. Steady progression. Owning up to responsibilities. Doing the right thing. Sensual savoring found in appreciation. The no-nonsense approach. Dependability. Trust is developed. Receiving an endowment. Friendly handshake. Help comes in. Generous assistance and support. Honorable. Financial advisor. Being accountable. Integrity. What is touched, turns to gold. Being competent. Mature behavior. Knowing what is best for everyone involved. Taking care of self and others. Sharing wealth. Enjoying a successful period. Accomplishment and success. Your rewards arrive. Achievement. Good reputation. Substantial earnings. Favorable benefactor. Playing it smart. Others count on you. Good financial news.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Tarot card insight: Seven of Pentacles: Interesting news arrives. Settling. Results of efforts due. Manifestation begins. Success or failure based on what has been invested. Something comes along to help thyself. Reorganization. Financial lessons. Material progress. Personal development. Growth. Money. Rewards near. Hidden treasure. Profit through adjusting. Holding the tools for success. Wealth. Responsibility required. Stamina. Wisdom received. Harvesting the seeds that have been sown. Waiting to reap. Ingenuity. Successfully dealings. Adding on to what you have already own.

PISCES (February 19-March 20) Tarot card insight: King of Wands: Displaying great strength. Energy circulates. Strong Passions burn. Devoted individual. Graduation. Ready for the real world. Life takes a courageous direction. A teacher arrives. Noble gestures. Sharing what we've learned. Standing out in a crowd. Daring acts. In control. Honest intentions. Helping another. Generosity. Expansion. Trusting what works. Conquering a project. Self-realization. The power of leadership. Travel. A trusted friend. Desire to go the distance. Controlled enthusiasm. Finding reason to believe. Management of self. Taking your own advice. A patient listener. Burning bright. Confident and capable.

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Intuitive psychic readings, earthy advice and soulful guidance with tarot, astrology and spiritual insights; available by phone and email with Suzi Dronzek: 724-832-9283 www.starcana.com | Stay connected: Subscribe | ©2023 Starcana, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Only 18+


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