Tarotscope | September 2023

Starcana Tarotscope is a monthly ‘one tarot card’ horoscope. I share basic guidance with a general tarot message - per each individual zodiac / sun sign. For more insight, try my ‘three card’ tarot spread below. If you prefer something personalized and detailed, I’m available for intuitive tarot readings.

  • Read your Ascendant/Rising sign, for what you currently know.

  • Read your Moon sign, for what will challenge you.

  • Read your Sun sign, for what will be created.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) Tarot card insight: Three of Cups: Express yourself. Healing energy. Harmony. Good fortune. Artistic expression. Support. Creativity. Connected to others. Love experiences. Friendly compromise. Happiness. Approval from a social circle. Singing a song. Coming to a full circle. Relief. Happy ending. Fortunate results. Spirit dances. A female coven. Trust is developed. A bond is created. Rituals. Prayers. Overcoming obstacles. Celebration. Blood is thicker than water. An invitation arrives. Joy. Fulfillment. Old souls unite. Sweet talk. Friendship deepens. Stagnation ends. Spiritual abundance. Networking. An open-mind flows. Enjoy the ride.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Tarot card insight: Ace of Cups: An artistic endeavor. New love. Creative project brews. Developing trust. Overflow. Abundance of joy. Beauty. Harmony. A kind act. All is in sync. Healing. Movement. Trust is revived. A gift from God. Positive experience. Hope returns. Happiness finds you. In-tune with your source. Touched. A helping hand. Magical bonds. Fresh cycle. Purity. Friendship. The power of the heart.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Tarot card insight: Justice: Balance. Reason. All equals out. Trust logic. Our thoughts, words, and deeds bring results. Fair decision. Being judged on our actions. A purity of spirit arrives. Judging others. Its nothing personal, as its just business. The consequence of our action manifests. Own integrity. Running a fair race. Honesty is the best policy. Universal justice. On the same level. The law is on your side. Commitment. Just like nature balances, we get whats coming to us. Negotiate and meet half way. Weigh the  strength between the pros and cons. A promise or word is honored. Cheaters not allowed. What has been sown, we shall reap. Legal matters. A time for righteousness. It's a time to be impartial. A serious meeting. It is best to agree to disagree. The truth shall make you free. Making a right from a wrong. Karma is delivered.r.

CANCER (June 20-July 23) Tarot card insight: Four of Pentacles: Holding on too tightly. Hoarder. Inability to let go. Stale. Protected. Grasping onto what brings us power. Mold grows. Safe in our prison. Growth in finances. Locked in. Having the ability to open and close doors. Miserly. Scrooge. Refusal to stray beyond four walls. Reflecting on what has been built. Choosing to be cheap. Unable to see the future. Dependent on experience. Alone. Tough cookie. Security matters. Lacking vision from limitations. Not flexible. Can't think outside the box. Stubbornness. Attachment. Teamwork is missing. Barriers. Building walls.

LEO (July 23-August 22) Tarot card insight: The Lovers: Beauty is reflected. Love. All is in perfection. The test of sincerity. A new bond. Harmony. Things couldn't be any better. Creating trust. You like what you see. Someone comes along that encourages a feeling of commitment. Integration. Honor and respect. Freedom from emotions. Healing in relationships. Finding the missing piece to the puzzle. Strong feelings begin to develop. Light and dark. Searching through another to find ourself. A friendship begins. The best of both worlds. A very important decision must be made that will determine a new path. Balance. Harmonious choices. Someone comes along to be by your side. A relationship that has worked hard to jump hurdles. Love and respect. A trusted partnership. Attending to be of assistance to another. Wholeness. A meeting of the minds. Communications are crystal clear. Blending the unthinkable. Speaking the same language. Healing connection. Someone's got your back. The power of communication. Ready to make amends. Coming out of the closet. Reuniting with others.

VIRGO (August 22-September 23) Tarot card insight: Three of Swords: Worry. Too many thoughts. Finding disappointment. Sadness. Painful realizations. Reality hurts. Hard to connect the dots. Issues can not be agreed upon. The truth stings. Experiencing a broken heart. Affection is not reciprocated. Stormy weather ahead. Words get in the way. Honest communications is painful. Separation. Torn. Incapable of letting go. Cross words. Disagreements. Self-inflicted misery. Sorrow. Crushed. Forgetting what the heart desires. Three times is a charm. Agree to disagree.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22)  Tarot card insight: King of Wands: Displaying great strength. Energy circulates. Strong Passions burn. Devoted individual. Graduation. Ready for the real world. Life takes a courageous direction. A teacher arrives. Noble gestures. Sharing what we've learned. Standing out in a crowd. Daring acts. In control. Honest intentions. Helping another. Generosity. Expansion. Trusting what works. Conquering a project. Self-realization. The power of leadership. Travel. A trusted friend. Desire to go the distance. Controlled enthusiasm. Finding reason to believe. Management of self. Taking your own advice. A patient listener. Burning bright. Confident and capable.

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Tarot card insight: Five of Wands: Hard work. Going in circles. Unsatisfied. Inner struggles. Labor. Aggression. Defenses are up. Polish that shine. Competition. Trying to find a way in, or possibly a way out. Fighting. Resisting change. Conflict. Lack of agreement. Life comes to a halt. Can't always get what you want. Unaware of goal. Self-limiting. Be creative. Busta move. Find a way. New adventure. What are you fighting for. Utilize energy correctly. Temper. Working up a sweat. Obstacles are no problem. Paving a new road. Ego on fire. Changing direction. 

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) Tarot card insight: Nine of Cups: A rainbow appears after the storm. Make a Wish. Prayers manifest. Dream comes true. Happiness. An unanswered prayer. Joy. Difficulty removed. Abundance. High on love. Harmonization. Sweet dreams. Hope. Right place at the right time. Lucky you. Cup has over-floweth. Rest and enjoyment. Lounging in pleasure. Good friends, good spirits, good life. The Gods look fondly upon you. Feeling blessed. Reality manifested from dreams. Happy Happy Happy. Love is in the air. Happily ever after.   

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)  Tarot card insight: The Sun: Renewal of spirit. Joy returns. The answer is yes. Our inner light shines. We have control over our lives. Golden opportunities. Willpower to walk through life. Accomplishment. You find the pot of gold. Improvement in health. Successful rewards. Material happiness. What we have wanted, comes true. A happy marriage. A good partnership. Clear vision of where we are going. Attainment of your dreams. Playfulness is delivered. Pleasure of life returns. Seeing the good in things. Everything you touch turns to gold. Optimism. Believing in ourself, others, and in miracles. Bright ideas. Naive happiness. We accept the truth. Wisdom. Completely content and satisfied. No clouds are going to get in the way. A start of a clean slate. You reach your goal. You win the finish line. Blessings of wealth. You are free.  

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Tarot card insight: Two of Wands:  Putting it all together. Action on thoughts. A mature individual. Going after desires. Out to win. Eye on the reward. Creativity comes alive. Making it come alive. Courageous actions. Performing magic. Making dreams come true. Taking the dare. Confident in potential. Creating potential. Boldness. Aggressive steps. Reaching for stars. Self-sufficient and self-reliant. Making it work. Showing off new mojo. Helping it all come together. A great trust. Taking on new challenge. 

PISCES (February 19-March 20) Tarot card insight: Six of Cups: Embracing finer memories. Nostalgia. Happier times. Reliance on the past. Understanding how to enjoy the present. Reflections. Letting time pass. Enjoyment. Daydreams. Allowing yourself to be happy. Smiles. Laughter. Fun times. Longing for the way it use to be. Gentleness returns. Remembering what matters. Love conquers all. Overflowing with joy. Good friends. Moving past issues. Yesteryears speak loudly. Trusting insight. Imagine to believe. Creativity. Understanding what fades. The heart longs for togetherness. Healing music. Photographic memory. Childhood comes to surface. Emotions flow. Aware of what matters.

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Intuitive psychic readings, earthy advice and soulful guidance with tarot, astrology and spiritual insights; available by phone and email with Suzi Dronzek: 724-832-9283 www.starcana.com | Stay connected: Subscribe | ©2023 Starcana, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Only 18+



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