Pebble in Your Shoe | Astrology Horoscope

Pebble in Your Shoe | Starcana Cosmic Dirt Astrology Tarot Horoscope

The week ahead will attempt to smooth itself out, despite a few uncomfortable glitches. The royal Leo Moon on Monday May 21 will jump-start the week, encouraging us embrace a sense of leadership - in order to take control of what requires heart, inner strength and the right guidance. We may expect some sort of recognition and/or seek the last word under the Mercury/Jupiter opposition on Wednesday morning May 23, but with the evening's Sun/Mars trine, it may be of assistance in areas of self-control and in reaching for the higher road.

There's always some aftermath, good and bad, makes-me-happy or makes-me-unhappy, for anything we choose to do. Richard Bach

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Two harmonizing trines on Friday May 25, will add an extra dab of sweet icing to our cake. Where we have applied ourselves and given some effort; will be comforted in compassion, forgiveness, healing and abundance under a magickal Jupiter/Neptune trine. If we haven't made a real investment; hopefulness and self-deceiving assumptions are due to flood in, and steer us off track.

But whatever we're gifted with, we'll be offered an opportunity to connect with our reality, which can help us to get down to business (Saturn) on this path called life (Uranus). And with an ultra-sensitive Scorpio Moon and insecure Venus/Saturn opposition on Saturday May 26, we may need to address the pebble in our shoe - by making some necessary adjustments.

Everything is the product of one universal creative effort. There is nothing dead in Nature. Seneca

And yes, it's always crazy when shuffling seventy-eight cards, and the same two cards are brought forward again - especially for the third week in a row!! Yowzaa. Be aware of the message. Starcana weekly tarot: Inner resources help you to gain speed and strength for what you're attempting to accomplish. [FourWands/TenWands]. So with this week's information; may we ask ourselves, 'how am 'I' limiting myself, from own goals'? Peace, Suzi xx

Update: While my normal business schedule is Monday-Friday 10a-6p EST, I've extended my hours until 8pm - on Monday and Tuesday only - in regards to client requests for evening time slots.  :o)

For a professional & personalized intuitive reading, with grounded advice and soulful guidance, contact Suzi Dronzek @ 724-832-9283 | ©1995-2018 Starcana, Inc. All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+ 


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