Starcana Astrology | November 22 - 28

Mercury (thoughts, communications, journeys) joins Sun (identity, vitality, ego) in the adventurous playground of Sagittarius on Wednesday November 24. As we dance through the fires of awareness, positivity, fortune and generosity during the next few weeks, our views can broaden with honesty, intuition, farsightedness, optimism and hope. 

Vision without execution is hallucination. Thomas Edison

While the expansion of light can increase our sense of joy and enthusiasm (which is especially nice for the holiday season)… its shadow can reveal an abundance of exaggeration, insensitivity, arrogance, poor judgment and burnout. What we’re seeking, is likely to find us - so it’s important to keep your need to shine: both wild and active, as well as positive and kind. 

Weekly tarot message: An old way proves to be unreliable. [TowerRx/QueenCupsRx] For more insight, check out your monthly tarot card in the November tarotscope.

On a personal note, from my latest post on social media: I’d like to share that as a professional business owner, I will never randomly contact anyone (either publicly or DM/privately) - to ask if you'd like to get a psychic reading or spiritual guidance from me. If someone is privately messaging, asking for payment with an unrequested email address - and it doesn't feel right - trust your gut. Pay attention to the flawed misspellings with the social media id, like the recent scam with: Starcana vs St.arcana_. Do your homework and investigate anyone who approaches you - especially when it concerns your hard-earned money! Please report these fraudulent accounts to protect yourself and others… and thanks for always keeping me updated. ❤

Wishing you and yours a most blessed Thanksgiving. Suzi

Intuitive life readings, advice and guidance are available with Suzi Dronzek; Monday thru Friday from 10a-6p EST. Call 724-832-9283 | ©2021 Starcana, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Only 18+


Starcana Astrology | November 29 - December 5


Starcana Astrology | November 8 - 14