Starcana Cosmic Forecast | March 21 - 27

It may seem that there’s a whole lot of busyness happening this week, as we scurry back and forth; juggling scattered thoughts, engaging with others, while tirelessly multi-tasking and running errands. And as this may be interesting or fun for many… some of us may wonder if we’re actually spreading ourselves too thin - that we may not have enough of energy or focus to reach our goal or dream.

Depending on our choices and individual approach, our path could open up to an opportunity that expands our journey greatly with the open-minded Mercury/Jupiter conjunction on Monday March 21. This cosmic energy is filled with creativity, problem-solving ideas and positive returns. The shadow side of these vibes could increase exaggeration and our talk under the foggy Mercury/Neptune conjunction on Wednesday March 23, possibly resulting with no substance behind some big promises.

A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker. Siddhārtha Gautama

With an emotionally intense Scorpio Moon on Sunday March 20, Monday March 21 and part of Tuesday March 22, along with an investigative Mercury/Pluto sextile on Saturday March 26… we’re preparing to let go and transform. We may want to continue being mindful of our responses and reactions with an impulsive Mars/Uranus square on Tuesday March 22. This heated energy can be quite intense, as well as challenging, unexpected and explosive - possibly causing electrical issues, technology failures, fires and extreme weather conditions, as well as arguments and extreme behaviors.

Using awareness and self-control, this energy can be highly beneficial if we can remain in competition with ourselves and our own evolutionary growth - rather than focus and compete with another. If we assume that we can gain power over a situation or an individual, we’ll be met with resistance. Instead, let’s focus on ourselves. Shatter the glass of illusion. Break up with unhealthy habits. Divorce toxic patterns. Pave a new path that passionately feeds our internal craving for life and love again.

Nothing is as important as passion. No matter what you want to do with your life, be passionate. Jon Bon Jovi

We’re about to find new stimulation for motivation as Mercury joins Chiron and Sun in the pioneering spirit of Aries, on Sunday March 27. In areas of thought-processing, communications and short journeys, this energy will be eager, spontaneous, ego-related, daring and war-like. During the next three weeks, we’ll bravely step out from our comfort zone and into the horizon, to engage with the unknown. We may help ourselves, and become a champ. We may help another, and become a hero. If we submit to the shadow that lurks in this energy; selfishness, aggression and force are possible. There’s no doubt that the frequency is shifting… so buckle up and ride ‘em cowboy.

Weekly tarot message: We’re learning what turned sour. [TemperanceRx/DevilRx]. For more insight, check out your monthly tarot card in the March 2022 Tarotscope. Peace. ~Suzi

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Suzi Dronzek is available for intuitive readings, advice and guidance by phone and email, Monday thru Friday: 10a-6p EST at: 724-832-9283 | ©2022 Starcana, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Only 18+  Subscribe to Weekly Starcana Horoscope 


Tarotscope | April 2022


Starcana Cosmic Forecast | March 14 - 20