Talking the Talk. Pluto Retrograde, Venus enters Leo, Mercury enters Gemini | Astrology for June 5-11

Creative expression will be the theme for weeks ahead as Venus (values, love, money) moves from sentimental Cancer and into courageous Leo on Monday June 5. The main ingredients should include a variety of charm, affection, fun, romance and shine to keep life exciting and sizzling. Make love… make art - not war - especially since the shadow side of this fiery energy can fire up our self-centeredness, overconsumption, arrogance, entitlement, competitive nature and a fierce roar. Aim to purr and sweeten, if you want to attract honey, beauty and love.

You will learn a lot about yourself if you stretch in the direction of goodness, of bigness, of kindness, of forgiveness, of emotional bravery. Be a warrior for love. Cheryl Strayed

As we’re continuing to create our magick and world, Pluto (purge, transformation, rejuvenation) will retrograde from freedom-seeking Aquarius and back to authoritative Capricorn, on June 11, into October. We can experience a whole new challenge as moving forward can be much tougher as we still hang on to ancient attachments, unhealthy patterns and old ways - which just don’t seem to work for us anymore. 

This realization can add more weight and frustration with what we’re trying to get though right now, because change isn’t always easy (or wanted) because it requires work - which is so darn HARD. So whatever we thought that we were losing or letting go of, is likely to be paused. This cosmic stall will give us an opportunity to dig really deep into ourselves, to analyze what is rising back up to the surface; while affecting us so profoundly. 

And you may say to yourself, "My God, what have I done? Talking Heads

We might feel like we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. Should I stay. or should I go. Then restless Mercury (thoughts, communications, journeys) will shift from stubborn Taurus into flexible Gemini for the next three weeks on Sunday May 11. Our sense of curiosity, originality and the ability to be agreeable is likely to improve. It’s a fine time for opening our mind, exploring new ideas, knowing our options and trying a new perspective. Otherwise, we could remain unfocused, scattered, gossipy or even high strung. Learn something new, and don’t be afraid to say ‘yes’ more often.

Weekly tarot message: Unashamed of fixing a mistake. [TwoWands/HierophantRx]. For more insight, check out your monthly tarot card in the June 2023 Tarotscope, then subscribe to my weekly cosmic writings! Much love. ~Suzi

Suzi Dronzek is available for personalized consultations, intuitive readings, down to earth advice and spiritual guidance by phone & email. Hours: 10a-6p EST, Mon-Fri. Call: 724-832-9283 | ©2023 Starcana, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Only 18+


Pause to Breathe | Saturn Retrograde, Gemini New Moon, Astrology for June 12-18


Tarotscope | June 2023